Monday, 23 April 2018

Food for Energy

After Watching the Winter Olympics we started wondering what types of food would the athletes need to provide them with energy. We researched what types of food would provide energy and be healthy. Here are our thoughts

Researching food suitable for energy snacks.

Children were able to find out what sort of food could be suitable for their energy snacks by having a session where they could try different ingredients. They had to complete a sensory test on each ingredient that helped them to think of similar ingredients they may use in their own design. 

Here are some photos of children getting right into the making process:

2018 Technology

Term 1

This term we asked the children if "food" is technology. We 
had lots of discussions about our opinions and children were justifying their ideas.

Here are some posters done by a range of classes. 

Room 1 and 2 discussed if food was technology and talked about the difference between processed and unprocessed food. We decided that technology follows a process so therefore food was technology. Here are some of their comparisons between processed or unprocessed food. 

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Design an energy snack that we can eat at brainfood time.

Children were asked to design an energy snack that would be suitable to eat at brainfood time. 

They used the design process. 

This involved researching/finding out about what foods give us energy. 
Then planning their energy snack. This involved listing ingredients needed, method, sequence of making and what equipment will be needed. 
Children were responsible for bringing the ingredients and equipment they needed.  
Here are some of our classes making their snacks.

Junior's Making their energy snacks from sandie corlett on Vimeo.
Making our energy snacks from sandie corlett on Vimeo.